What is balletcompanies.com?
Your gateway to the ballet and dance world on PC and Mobile. On this site you'll find over 3000 links to ballet and dance companies all over the world.
We also provide individual dance and ballet companies with space for announcements and last minute news.
In addition, this site offers unique advertising opportunities for dance suppliers by only putting their website link on the suppliers page.
Who is balletcompanies.com?
Dick, former head of the audio - visual department of the Netherlands Dance Theatre, created balletcompanies as a hobby in 1998.
As well as running this website, he devotes much of his time to promoting ballet and dance on the World Wide Web.
Why balletcompanies.com?
Waste no more time on search engines that keep on tracing you with their ads and can't find the ballet or dance company you were looking for in the first place.
You'll find most of them here.
If you find a ballet/dance company that is not here, simply send the link and I'll add it.