Centar za negovanje tradicionalne
kulture "Abrašević", Valjevo.
Čika Ljubina br. 5,
14.000 Valjevo
telefon Sekretar:
014 220 – 282
Much like a newspaper or a media organization creates stories, Avaaz creates and publishes hundreds of campaigns every year, and sends out thousands of emails, press releases and statements about these campaigns. Also like journalists, we often do these on very short timescales responding to urgent events.
We strive for accuracy, and 99.9% of the time we succeed. But it's impossible to get it right every time, and when we get it wrong, we're committed to publishing corrections to our public communications on this page, and linking to this page from the front page of our website. In addition, if any campaign has been conducted on the basis of a serious inaccuracy, we are committed to informing the people who have joined the campaign and offering them a chance to withdraw their support.